Fact: January can be a tough time to shop. Not only is your drab dead-of-winter wardrobe likely begging for a lift, but your bank account's depleted from all those great gifts you picked up last month.
Luckily, the stellar seasonal finds we've rounded up below all cost less than $50. Time to indulge—guilt-free!
Cocktail party, here we come.
Brocade skirt, $24.80, forever21.com
Don't blame us when "Please Mr. Postman" winds up stuck in your head for days.
Love letters necklace, $30, jewelmint.com
A visually-intriguing take on a collegiate classic.
Geo bomber jacket, $24.80, forever21.com
Glittery footwear: still going strong, in case you were wondering.
New York State of Shine oxford, $35, modcloth.com
The cropped length keeps it from looking too corporate.
Metallic tweed jacket, $27.80, forever21.com
Who framed Fido?
Pet portrait tee, $36, madewell.com
Mwah. Perfect for Valentine's day!
Holiday statement earrings, $10, mikkatmarket.com
Would look equally awesome with a pair of tailored trousers.
Silhouette peplum top, $38, nastygal.com
Tri-colored. Tri-flapped. Just try to resist it.
New Look parker envelope clutch, $28.13, asos.com
We love the delicate double-layered collar.
Sage manager top, $38, modcloth.com
Don't be surprised if you spot these T-straps on an extra in the upcoming Gatsby reboot.
Winding My Way heel in forest, $40, modcloth.com
Leather shorts are a wintertime style standby, and we adore that sweet scalloped hem.
Faux leather scallop shorts, $34, mikkatmarket.com
So perfect with a pair of leather leggings, or layered beneath a big black faux fur vest.
Straight up blouse, $38, nastygal.com
The color alone makes it a must-have; plus, the long strap is ideal for slinging across your winter coat.
Abbey crossbody bag, $48, nastygal.com
The LLD (little leather dress): just as vital a closet component as the LBD. And hey, this covers both bases!
Dotty leather dress, $48, pixiemarket.com
Luckily, the stellar seasonal finds we've rounded up below all cost less than $50. Time to indulge—guilt-free!
Cocktail party, here we come.
Brocade skirt, $24.80, forever21.com
Love letters necklace, $30, jewelmint.com
Geo bomber jacket, $24.80, forever21.com
New York State of Shine oxford, $35, modcloth.com
Metallic tweed jacket, $27.80, forever21.com
Pet portrait tee, $36, madewell.com
Holiday statement earrings, $10, mikkatmarket.com
Silhouette peplum top, $38, nastygal.com
New Look parker envelope clutch, $28.13, asos.com
Sage manager top, $38, modcloth.com
Winding My Way heel in forest, $40, modcloth.com
Faux leather scallop shorts, $34, mikkatmarket.com
Straight up blouse, $38, nastygal.com
Abbey crossbody bag, $48, nastygal.com
Dotty leather dress, $48, pixiemarket.com